Speedy Stop Open Championship
3 day frogg toggs Solo Tour Open event.
3 day frogg toggs Solo Tour Open event.
Playing field:
Waters open for public boating and fishing within the boundaries. (TBD)
Waters open for public boating and fishing within the boundaries. (TBD)
Boat check and launch:
6:00 AM daily weather allowing.
Launch location Froggies Bait n Tackle.
6:00 AM daily weather allowing.
Launch location Froggies Bait n Tackle.
Return to launch point:
Froggies each day by 3:00 PM daily.
Froggies each day by 3:00 PM daily.
Weigh in:
Trailer each day for remote weigh in at the parking lot adjacent to the Port O'Connor Speedy Stop.
Trailer each day for remote weigh in at the parking lot adjacent to the Port O'Connor Speedy Stop.
Daily Limit:
3 redfish measuring 20 to 28 inches.
3 redfish measuring 20 to 28 inches.

Date and Time
Thursday Sep 19, 2024 Saturday Sep 21, 2024